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From EGM Heritage

Welcome to the Engineers Geoscientists Manitoba Heritage Wiki Site

This site is a collection of significant engineering and geoscience related projects planned, designed and/or completed within Manitoba, and around the world, by our members over the past 100 years. The site also provides background information on a selection of notable Manitoba engineers and geoscientists who have made significant contributions to the profession over its history. In addition, there is an archive of material containing association historical records such as past publications and lists of members.

Engineers Geoscientists Manitoba acknowledges that much of the engineering and geoscience work documented on this website took place on treaty territory and on the original lands of Anishinaabe, Cree, Oji-Cree, Dakota, and Dene peoples and on the homeland of the Métis Nation.

The purpose of these articles is to document the contribution of engineering and geoscience professionals in the development of Manitoba. All visitors to this website are invited to provide feedback on any of the content by contacting our webmaster.

Engineers Geoscientists Manitoba, main purpose is to regulate the Engineering and Geoscience professions in the Province of Manitoba but also promotes the advancement of engineering/geoscience knowledge and professional development. There are also many international, national, and provincial technical societies and associations with complementary professional development objectives. It is not unexpected that these many technical societies also have documented their heritage within their scope of interest. The additional background reference material and documentation available from these organizations are particularly useful sources of information that complement the information compiled by the Engineers Geoscientists Manitoba Heritage Committee. In many cases some projects with connections to our membership have received national recognition and have been described to some degree. This wiki site endeavours to provide links to these other undertakings, to increase the breadth and depth of the information available.

The objectives of this wiki site are:

  1. Publish comprehensive project descriptions,
  2. Encourage further contribution of the knowledge base through a Wikipedia concept,
  3. Consolidate and leverage related information,
  4. Promote awareness of international and national recognition. For example, the Canadian Society of Civil Engineers (the oldest technical society in Canada) has recognized four Manitoba Projects as National Historic Sites. The project descriptions of those projects have been expanded on this wiki site to recognize this.

As the wiki site is a work in progress, we encourage your comments, corrections and additions. Please feel free to add to this body of knowledge by contributing to this site with your own past projects. If you have any comments or questions please contact us at


The Heritage Committee has been collaborating with members of the Manitoba Historical Society (MHS) over the last number of years in areas of mutual interest. Much Engineering and Geoscience history has been compiled and published by the MHS and this wiki site tries to leverage as much information as possible and expand the knowledge base where practical. The same could be said for several of societies described below. Researchers are encouraged to review other possible sources to obtain as broad a history as of interest.

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Featured Articles

APEGM History

Would you be surprised to learn that there were few rules governing the practice of engineering in the early beginnings of the province of Manitoba? It is not like Winnipeg was still the wild-wild west; but, the fact is Winnipeg experienced a fantastic boom during the 1890s and the first two decades of the 20th century, as the city's population grew from 25,000 in 1891 to more than 179,000 in 1921. What comes with such population growth? All kinds of changes and development! This fast paced growth was fueled by many private and public undertakings that would set the economic foundation for the province for many years to come. The river transportation system was making way for the railway transportation system. (Full Article...)

Port Nelson

Port Nelson: Aerial View, 2007

Port Nelson was a seaport along the coast of Hudson Bay, which was started but never completed a century ago. Situated in the mouth of the Nelson River it was constructed as part of a scheme by the Federal Government to help increase competition in the movement of grain out of the prairies. Construction of the port began in 1913 but was halted in 1917 due to the economic effects of World War I. The works completed to that point included a significant portion of a 2 km long man-made island, a 17 span 730 m long truss bridge to access the island, and a large custom-built dredge. (Full Article...)

In the News

Officials Propose to Entomb Pinawa's Old Nuclear Reactor, The Winnipeg Free Press 2016 12 12

Artistic Rendering/Winnipeg Free Press

The company charged with decommissioning the nuclear reactor at Whiteshell Laboratories near Pinawa wants to leave it in the ground and backfill it with concrete.

Canadian Nuclear Laboratories (CNL) is proposing to entomb Whiteshell Reactor #1 (WR-1), rather than have it disassembled and removed from the 11,000-acre site near Pinawa in the Canadian Shield.

It would become the first nuclear reactor in Canada to be disposed of by burial. The plan is to demolish surface buildings but leave the reactor in its five-storey-deep basement and seal it with concrete grout. (Read the full article...)

Also see Whiteshell Laboratories for additional information.

Life by the Rails, The Winnipeg Free Press 2016 09 08

Mike Deal/Winnipeg Free Press

A quick history lesson: Macdonald was the prime minister in the early 1880s when the city’s founding fathers were loading up the war chest to convince both the federal government and Canadian Pacific Railway officials to run the main line of what would become the transcontinental railway through Winnipeg.

That main line was supposed to be built through Selkirk, at the strict insistence of the railway’s engineers, because the Winnipeg area was under water about every generation or so from flooding of the Red and Assiniboine rivers. (Read the full article...)

More News Articles...

A Page in History

Forty Percent Increase in Membership

The Association of Professional Engineers of the Province of Manitoba is fast becoming one of quantity as well as quality, At the meeting of Council held on August 9th, 141 new members were admitted. At the time of publication of the last issue of The Manitoba Professional Engineer, there were 677 members. At the present time membership stands at 809. (Read the full article in the September 1956 edition of The Manitoba Professional Engineer.)

Another Step Forward

With the publication of this issue, the Association of Professional Engineers of the Province of Manitoba takes another great step forward...Assisted by N. S. Bubbis, P. Eng., the Association's Vice-President, who is liaison officer between Council and the Public Relations Committee, this Committee laid the groundwork for the publication of The Manitoba Professional Engineer and named G. T. Christie, P. Eng., as editor. (Read the full article in the 1st Edition of the The Manitoba Professional Engineer from July 1956.)

The Case for a Fee Increase

In the past few years, since the Association has opened an office, it has attempted to provide a service to its membership which would rank it with the leading Associations, in Canada. This was a tremendous task to undertake and the men who undertook this job are to be commended, particularly Professor Hoogstraoten, for his efforts. The work of the Association began to expand when the office was opened, and the membership has continued to request more and more service from council... It is for these expanded services that Council unanimously endorses a fee increase of $3.00 per member, to be effective January 1st, 1960. (Read the full article in the November 1959 edition of The Manitoba Professional Engineer.)

More Historical Pages...

The full collection of past association publications

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Past Presidents

2021 - Jason Mann
2020 - Jitendra Paliwal
2019 - Ruth Eden
2018 - Jonathan Epp
2017 - Lindsay M.K. Melvin
2016 - Lesley McFarlane
2015 - Howard Neil Procyshyn
2014 - Marcia Ruthild Friesen
2013 - Dawn Joy Nedohin-Macek
2012 - Adam Roy Donald Pawlikewich
2011 - William (Bill) Charles Girling
2010 - John Charles Woods
2009 - Donald (Don) Denis Joseph Himbeault
2008 - M. Timothy (Tim) Corkery
2007 - Robyn Leigh Taylor (Koropatnick)
2006 - Digvir Singh Jayas
2005 - Allan Douglas Silk
2004 - Arnold Harvey Permut
2003 - Lawrence Rudolph Ferchoff
2002 - Mohamed (Moe) Atef Barakat
2001 - Alan Jonathan Pollard
2000 - John Richard Hosang
File:1999 Myron (Ron) George Britton.tif
1999 - Myron (Ron) George Britton
1998 - Peter Washchyshyn
1997 - John Malcolm (Mal) Symonds
1996 - Catherine (Cathy) Louise Stewart
1995 - Donald (Don) Glenn Osman
1994 - Douglas (Doug) Gerald Chapman
1993 - Carl Everett Anderson
1992 - Nicholas Patrick (Pat) Feschuk
1991 - William (Bill) Maurice Alexander McDonald
1990 - Kenneth (Ken) Albert Buhr
1989 - Garland Everett Laliberte
1988 - William David Christie
1987 - Edward (Ted) Albert Speers
1986 - Edward (Ted) William John Clarke
1985 - Roger Alan Kane
1984 - Robert Ronald Foster
1983 - David (Dave) Edward Cross
1982 - Kenneth (Ken) Mason Jardine
1981 - Rudy Corny Isaak
1980 - Walter Saltzberg
1979 - Richard (Dick) Allan Johnson
1978 - Andrew (Andy) William Gilliland
1977 - Edward (Ted) Francis Glass
1976 - Charles (Charlie) Ralph Bouskill
1975 - Douglas R. Grimes
1974 - George Alois DePauw
1973 - Clyde Ross McBain
1972 - Stewart Barkwell
1971 - Russell Hood
1970 - John Douglas Adam
1969 - Lawrence William Blackman
1968 - Frank M. Fowler
1967 - R.C. Sommerville
1966 - R.T. Harland
1965 - S.J. Borgford
1964 - B. Chappell
1963 - Thomas Eugene Weber
1962 - R.E. Chant
1961 - C.S. Landon
1960 - William Leslie (Les) Wardrop
1959 - William Leslie (Les) Wardrop
1958 - Leonard (Len) Arthur Bateman
1957 - Nathan (Nat) S. Bubbis
1956 - Jacob (Jack) Hoogstraten
1955 - Jacob (Jack) Hoogstraten
1953 - J.L. Charles
1952 - C.L. Fisher
1951 - William Donald Hurst
1950 - William Donald Hurst
1949 - Thomas (Tom) E. Storey
1946 - J.W. Battershill
1942 - C.V. Antenbring
1939 - W. Youngman
1937 - Edwin Victor Caton
1934 - H.M. White
1933 - John William Sanger
1932 - John William Sanger

Engineering and Geosciences Wiki Articles

History Project


Notable People

Association History






Last 3 Articles Created

  • 17:34, 1 February 2025Canadian Pacific Railway Development in Manitoba (hist | edit) ‎[37,360 bytes]Gcook (talk | contribs) (Created page with "==A Granite & Muskeg Wasteland: Building the Canadian Pacific Railway in Southeastern Manitoba== This article was published by Jennifer Strassel in the 2024 Lad Du Bonnet Living Magazine and subsequently posted on Jennifer Stassel's website at Jennifer agreed to allow reposting of her original article on this website as a wiki entry that describes the evolution of the Canadian Pacific Railway Development in Mani...")
  • 16:46, 1 February 2025George De Pauw (hist | edit) ‎[5,273 bytes]Gcook (talk | contribs) (Created page with "==George De Pauw P. Eng. BSc (Civil Engineering), Past President of the Association== George Alois De Pauw was born April 1, 1926, at St. Alphonse Manitoba. The hamlet is nestled in the hills along the Cypress River located 160-km south-west of Winnipeg. He received his early education in St. Alphonse and at Bruxelles, Manitoba. George went on to obtain his BSc in Civil Engineering from the University of Manitoba in May 1948. ==Professional Career== After graduation he...")
  • 21:17, 27 January 2025Black Brant Rockets (hist | edit) ‎[11,082 bytes]Gcook (talk | contribs) (Created page with "===Introduction=== In the 1950s, the Canadian Armament Research and Development Establishment (CARDE) combined new propellants with nosecones and instrumentation from Bristol Aero Industries (later Bristol Aerojet, Bristol Aerospace, and now Magellan Aerospace) to develop the Propulsion Test Vehicle (PVT-1) that would later evolve into a sounding rocket known as the Black Brant 1 (BB1). On September 5, 1959, Canada became the third nation to reach space with a successfu...") originally created as "Black Brandt Rockets"

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